Use code “AFFINITYPLUS” to receive your first $50 donation!

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Because of our generous friends at Affinity Plus, when you register for the 2024 Plunge (virtual or in person) and use the promo code AFFINITYPLUS, you’ll receive a $50 donation toward your fundraising efforts! This campaign is limited to the first 2000 Plungers who use the code.

Here’s what you need to do to earn an automatic $50 donation:

Register for a virtual or in-person Plunge and enter the code AFFINITYPLUS in the promo code field during Step 3. Don’t forget to click the APPLY button after entering the code!

Screenshot of promo code field


Eligible recipients include any individual who registers online for an upcoming Plunge (in-person or virtual) after 12 AM on January 2, 2024 and before 11:59 PM on May 31, 2024, up to the first 2000 Plungers. The $50 donation will appear on each eligible participant’s fundraising page and will be attributed to “Affinity Plus Federal Credit Union.” Please allow 72 hours for the donation to appear. Donations are limited to the first 2000 participants who apply the AFFINITYPLUS promo code during their registration. One code per participant.